Luciana Terceiro

UX & User Research


Business Developer Program 2019

⇠ Hyper Island projects

Project developed for the Branding, Marketing & Communications course

About the project

In this course, my team was challenged to rethink FreeKey, a keyring designed by Drosselmeyer. The company is well-known for its sophisticated and clever-designed products. They were looking for ways to increase the product’s perceived value.

Our team was composed of Christian Rodriguez, Patrick Doran, Simon Liljdahl, Olivia Ullberg, Zia Gao, Einar Carlsson, Per Axelsson, and me.

Framing an opportunity

In order to understand people’s relations with a product so ordinary and, at the same time, so popular and necessary (who does live with a keyring?), our first step was to have ethnographic research, looking for stories and relations between people and their keyrings. We were surprised by how each keyring brings accounts, stories, and values.

Building the MVP

Based on the investigation, we listed the main concepts, and over that, we had co-creation sessions to explore paths. We selected four main approaches to frame the product:

  • technological / modern approach
  • practical tool
  • nature / adventure
  • charity / philanthropic approach

We developed packages that could present these approaches and receive feedback from others. The feedback was fundamental for us to produce the final proposal, refining the concept into a product focusing on technology, adventure, nature, and design.

Mapping concepts
Exploring concepts
Round Robin to brainstorm ideas


Our team produced a style guide with the new brand identity and communication. The guide contains:

  • Product name and logo, 
  • Concepts and values,
  • Brand personality
  • Intended consumers
  • Marketing strategy

knippa logo
Concepts for communication
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⇠ Hyper Island projects